Sunday 30 December 2012

Photography Advice for Christmas

Many people receive the gift of a camera for Christmas.  This is sometimes in the form of a camera phone, a compact, a DSLR or occasionally something different.  Photography very quickly becomes addictive.

Now in the digital age it's even easier to find like minded people or inspiration for that next little project you have been thinking about.

If you are looking to learn more about photography why not follow one of the links to our local educational establishments that can give you formal training and may lead to a new career path.

If you are looking for a more social aspect then why not look at joining one of the areas vibrant camera clubs.  You can guarantee that there is one close to you.

Don't want to go to a club but want to show your work?  Why not join our flickr group right here?  If you post that you would like some critique on your images we would be more than glad to help.

Finally, don't forget to subscribe to Pixel Magazine!  We have lots of ideas and sources of inspiration best of all its local and its free!

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